Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bday Ride

Went for a 10 mile bike ride yesterday on my birthday.  It felt great.  I could tell the areas where I need some work, but I'm thankful I'll be able to work on them this year without so much stress in my life.

My goal for this week is 40 miles and I might fall short, which is okay, still looking for a job and interviews take priority.  Life is good though.  :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014

Thought I'd get out on the bike for a bit.  I needed a ride, just stressing about too much stuff out of my control and a ride calms me.  It was about 48 degrees, still pretty cold and windy.  Rode only a small stretch of the bike trail because of remaining snow and ice on the trail.  It's still early in Spring, but I'm eager, like everyone else, for some warmer temps.  This past winter has been so cold.  Bring on the warmth.