Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Carol w/e 5/26

This past week I rode about 50 miles.  I've noticed that my pants are very loose now.  Almost time to go shopping.

Carol w/e 5/19

I managed to bike 60 miles total for this week.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Did another 15, 80 degrees, was a little too hot to do anymore.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Mother's Day, knocked out 20 miles.  Great ride, relaxing day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 3 - 40 miles - Carol

Oh what a week this has been.  Lost my appetite and even forgot to eat breakfast a couple days....who forgets? I mean, really.  Anyway, this week was only 40 miles, but I am armed with 2 new music groups on my iPod, so I'm thinking this week, weather permitting, I gotta push it up to 75 miles.   Well, that's my goal.

Friday, May 4, 2012

100 miles total - Carol

Yeah.  I feel very accomplished right now.  I rode 100 miles over the last 2 weeks.  This is what I like to refer to as my break-in time to get back into the cycle of biking and eating healthy with the plan to drop some major lbs.

Today, I did my last 10 miles in a light misty rain.  It's only about 50 degrees, but really...I didn't care, it could have been full on storm, lol.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

90 miles - Carol

My youngest (in trailer) and I biked 15 miles today and accidentally rode over a frog squishing him flat.   I feel so bad.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

- 5 lbs

I am so wiped out, tired.  Ate a cheeseburger for dinner with baked fries as a treat (truth be told...I had 2 cheeseburgers, lol), then I weighed myself and took a shower.  I lost 5 lbs over these last 2 weeks.  :)  I'm thrilled.

So, does that mean for every 75 miles I bike I lose 5 lbs?  LOL.  If so, sign me up for 300 more!  ;)  Haha.  Oy.

75 miles - Carol

Today was a silly biking day.  My youngest and I did 10 with bike & trailer.  Then I did another 15 by myself.  So, happy.  I'm pretty tired, but still kickin'.  ;)